First Baptist Church of Madison is actively looking for one or two volunteer handbell players, for both short- and long-term commitments, to rehearse and perform with our handbell choir. Musicians with handbell experience would be an obvious plus, however anyone who can read music and follow a director would be enthusiastically welcomed! Our Director is also our church organist, who often accompanies us, so a player who might also be interested in directing experience would be beneficial.
We rehearse Monday evenings, from 6 to 7pm, and perform one Sunday per month during a one-hour church service (typically either the third or fourth Sundays of the month). Rehearsals take place at First Baptist Church, 518 N. Franklin Avenue, in Madison, WI.
We are a progressive, welcoming and affirming church, in case that is relevant to people, led by Pastor Tim Schaefer and Ted Reinke, Organist.
If you are interested, please reach out to:
Ted Reinke