Piano Accompanist

Company: Westfield Area School District
Contact Person:  Dan Steward, Middle School Band Director
Position:  Piano Accompanist
Salary:  Paid Position, Negotiable

Piano accompanist needed to work with middle school band students in preparation for district festival.  Applicant would be required to play 11 different pieces for 15 students in Class C, B, and one Class A event.

The applicant would need to work with the students once or twice prior to the event, schedule determined based on the applicant and the students’ availability.  The individual would perform with the students at district festival on in Mauston on Saturday, February 24th between 8:00am to 4:00pm – specific schedule to be determined one week prior to the event by the host school.    

Contact Dan Steward at:
608-296-2141 ext. 1063