We are looking for student musicians to play for two events that our office administers. Contact: awards@provost.wisc.edu
I have TWO separate listings below.
1. Undergraduate Academic Awards (Debbie Berger)
2. Phi Kappa Phi Induction Ceremony
3. Sunday, April 21, 2024, Tripp Commons, Memorial Union, 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
4. Paid. Exact amount to be discussed with the musicians.
5. awards@provost.wisc.edu / (608) 265-2428
6. This could be a duo all the way up to a quintet. Musicians would start playing ~12:40 as background music as guests arrive.
During the ceremony you will play a set piece.
1. Undergraduate Academic Awards (Debbie Berger)
2. Chancellor’s Undergraduate Awards Ceremony
3. Friday, May 3, 2024, Varsity Hall, Union South, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
4. Paid. Exact amount to be discussed with the musicians.
5. awards@provost.wisc.edu / (608) 265-2428
6. This could be a duo all the way up to a quintet. Musicians would start playing ~6:30 as background music as guests arrive.
At 7:00 p.m. Chancellor Mnookin will give a short welcome and introduce the musicians who will play a 5–7-minute set piece. Total time commitment would be ~6:30 – 7:20.