My name and organization: Erin Kennon ( La Follette School Student Association A description of the gig or job We would like musician(s) to play music for our graduation ceremony. Specifically, light entrance music for …
Month: February 2024
Violinist and cellist for wedding ceremony
My name is Kailin Kauffman-Jewell. We are looking for a violinist and cellist for our wedding ceremony. 3pm-4pm on 5/11/24 Devil’s Lake State Park Baraboo, WI Payment: $150 per person This is a queer wedding, please …
String quartet for event
My name is Kate Seal and I am the Assistant Director of RSVP of Dane County, a local nonprofit 55+ year old volunteer placement agency and service provider. Every year in September, we have a …
Madison Symphony Orchestra Student Ambassador
1. Your name and (if applicable) the name of your employer or organization. Madison Symphony Orchestra 2. A description of the gig or job. Get 2 free tickets to the Madison Symphony Orchestra concerts by …
String, harp or piano soloist
My name is Judith Castro-Romaker and I’m the Administrative Manager for the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. I am looking for string, harp or piano soloist that could play at our State of …
Music for graduation event
I wanted to submit a listing for our graduation event, the following contains the event info: My name and organization: Erin Kennon ( La Follette School Student Association A description of the gig or job …
Undergraduate Academic Awards (two opportunities)
We are looking for student musicians to play for two events that our office administers. Contact: I have TWO separate listings below. 1. Undergraduate Academic Awards (Debbie Berger) 2. Phi Kappa Phi Induction Ceremony 3. …
Vocalist and trumpeter for wedding
Searching for a vocalist and a trumpeter for my son and his future wife’s wedding.Definitely will pay!June 15th, 20243:00pm weddingHoly Redeemer Catholic Church120 west Johnson St. (Downtown Madison)Being familiar with the flow of a Catholic …
Section leaders in the alto, tenor, and bass sections
Bethel Lutheran Church in Madison is seeking to hire section leaders in the alto, tenor, and bass sections. Compensation is highly competitive, averaging out to $600-700 per month. Rehearsals are on Thursday nights from 7;00 …
Piano Accompanist
Company: Westfield Area School District Contact Person: Dan Steward, Middle School Band Director Position: Piano Accompanist Salary: Paid Position, Negotiable Piano accompanist needed to work with middle school band students in preparation for district festival. …