Musician(s) for Graduation ceremony

My name and organization: Erin Kennon ( La Follette School Student Association A description of the gig or job We would like musician(s) to play music for our graduation ceremony. Specifically, light entrance music for …

Violinist and cellist for wedding ceremony

My name is Kailin Kauffman-Jewell. We are looking for a violinist and cellist for our wedding ceremony.  3pm-4pm on 5/11/24 Devil’s Lake State Park Baraboo, WI Payment: $150 per person This is a queer wedding, please …

String quartet for event

My name is Kate Seal and I am the Assistant Director of RSVP of Dane County, a local nonprofit 55+ year old volunteer placement agency and service provider. Every year in September, we have a …

String, harp or piano soloist

My name is Judith Castro-Romaker and I’m the Administrative Manager for the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. I am looking for string, harp or piano soloist that could play at our State of …

Music for graduation event

I wanted to submit a listing for our graduation event, the following contains the event info: My name and organization: Erin Kennon ( La Follette School Student Association A description of the gig or job …

Undergraduate Academic Awards (two opportunities)

We are looking for student musicians to play for two events that our office administers. Contact: I have TWO separate listings below. 1. Undergraduate Academic Awards (Debbie Berger) 2. Phi Kappa Phi Induction Ceremony 3. …

Vocalist and trumpeter for wedding

Searching for a vocalist and a trumpeter for my son and his future wife’s wedding.Definitely will pay!June 15th, 20243:00pm weddingHoly Redeemer Catholic Church120 west Johnson St. (Downtown Madison)Being familiar with the flow of a Catholic …

Piano Accompanist

Company: Westfield Area School District Contact Person:  Dan Steward, Middle School Band Director Position:  Piano Accompanist Salary:  Paid Position, Negotiable Piano accompanist needed to work with middle school band students in preparation for district festival.  …